How Many Springs Are On An Average Trampoline?

Getting a new trampoline is always fun. But what most people fail to think about is the fact that it will require a bit of maintenance and repair every now and then. The part of the trampoline that requires the most attention is the springs.

Though some people think that the trampoline mats give it the bouncing effect, in reality, the number of springs and its size does most of the hard work. The more springs you have on a trampoline spring, and the longer the spring, the higher its weight capacity and bounciness.

How Many Springs Are On An Average Trampoline?

If you are relatively new to the subject and considering getting a trampoline, you need to know about the spring count you get with different trampoline sizes. And that is what brings me here today.

So, I will discuss the number of springs that you can get on an average trampoline. Keep in mind – The numbers here will not always reflect the exact number of springs present on a trampoline since different manufacturers take different approaches when making their trampolines.

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Springs On a Trampoline (Reference Chart)

Trampoline SizeNumber of Springs
8 feet48-62 springs
10 feet52-72 springs
12 feet72-88 springs
14 feet96+ springs
15 feet96-100 springs
16 feet120+ springs

Again, the numbers here are an estimation. Each trampoline differs, depending on the make, model, and manufacturer.

How Many Springs Are on an 8-Foot Trampoline?

How Many Springs Are on an 8-Foot Trampoline?

An 8 feet trampoline is generally considered a short one and is suitable only for kids. Typically, a trampoline of this size comes with short springs to reduce its bounciness and make it safe for a kid.

As for string count, most 8 feet trampolines feature 48 springs, whereas some high-end models can come with 62 springs in total. Rectangular trampolines usually feature a higher spring count.

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How Many Springs Are on A 10-Foot Trampoline?

How Many Springs Are on A 10-Foot Trampoline?

A 10 feet trampoline is also considered “kid-size” and is designed to handle a single person bouncing on it at a time. Though its bounciness is a bit higher, it is still at a range that is considered safe by most people.

In most cases, a 10-foot trampoline comes with 52 springs, while more expensive models can have as many as 72 springs.

How Many Springs Are on A 12-Foot Trampoline?

How Many Springs Are on A 12-Foot Trampoline?

A 12 feet trampoline is what you might find in most backyards as it sits at the sweet spot of not being too big while providing a decent bounce. It can typically support two kids or an adult jumping on it at once.

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With a 12-foot trampoline, you will get around 72 to 88 springs. The length of the spring, though, varies on whether it is designed for adults or kids.

How Many Springs Are on A 14 Foot Trampoline?

How Many Springs Are on A 14 Foot Trampoline?

A 14 feet trampoline offers a huge upgrade over a 12 feet model. Up to two adults can jump on it at once, depending on the model of the trampoline. These trampolines have better weight capacity and come with a higher spring count.

In most cases, a 14 feet trampoline comes with 96 springs. Though the number of springs is pretty much the same from one 14 feet model to another, the length of the springs can vary drastically.

How Many Springs Are on A 15-Foot Trampoline?

How Many Springs Are on A 15-Foot Trampoline?

A 14 feet trampoline and a 15 feet trampolines are quite similar both in terms of spring count and weight capacity. Some might argue that going with a 14 feet model is not a good idea as the price of a 15 feet model is also around the same ballpark.

That being said, a 15 feet trampoline comes with 96 to 100 springs, and the length varies depending on the model. Bouncier 15 feet trampoline models can feature springs that are 8 to 10 inches long.

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How Many Springs Are on A 16-Foot Trampoline?

How Many Springs Are on A 16-Foot Trampoline?

A 16 feet trampoline, on the other hand, offers a massive improvement over its 14 feet counterpart and is considered the ideal choice for gymnasts and acrobats. It allows you to learn and perform jump tricks because of its higher spring count and length.

Instead of the usual 96 springs that you get with 15- or 14 feet trampolines, a 16 ft Trampoline comes with a whopping 120 springs. Usually, this size of trampolines is made strictly for adults. So naturally, the length of springs with this size of trampolines is also typically higher.

Are Trampolines Better with More Springs?

The truth is, trampolines can be used in many different ways for different purposes. Some people get it for their kids, whereas others consider it as an integral part of their workout routine. The optimal number of springs that you want in your trampoline depends on your purpose.

For example, if you are getting it for your kids to play around in, you do not want to go with a 15 feet trampoline. Those models come with a lot of springs and offer more bounce, sure, but they can also be dangerous for children.

In that scenario, I would suggest going with a smaller trampoline that has no more than 80 springs on it. This would tone down the bounciness of the trampoline and be less challenging for the kids.

When It’s All Said and Done

Though springs are an important part of the trampoline, a lot of people do not take it into account when buying a new trampoline for themselves. But this is not a good practice as you will not get a clear picture of the performance that you will get out of it.

I tried to give you a general idea of how many springs you should expect with different trampoline sizes. But the truth is this value can differ quite a lot depending on the manufacturer and the trampoline design. For instance, rectangular trampolines typically feature more springs.

Hopefully, my article on the number of trampoline springs could give you a general idea about what to expect on an average trampoline. If you want to learn a bit more about trampoline spring sizes and their impact on performance, you can find all the information here. Cheers!

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