Can You Lose Weight by Jumping on a Trampoline? (Drills, Calculations, & Possibilities)

Looking to shed that extra weight you picked up on thanksgiving? Well, you are in for a lot of hard work. As a guy who likes to stay fit, getting your desired body weight and keeping it stable takes a lot of dedication. And if you do not like hitting the gym, then shedding the…

Oval Vs Round Trampoline

Oval Vs Round Trampoline – Which One to Pick and Why?

The choice between a round and an oval trampoline can be tricky. Since both of these shapes are considered “mainstream” and “suitable for children,” it can be hard to differentiate individual strengths and weaknesses. But when you dig deep, you will find many differential points between them. How Do I Pick Between Oval and Round…

How Much Space Do You Need for a Trampoline? [Know it Before to Prevent a Big Mistake]

Imagine this – you just bought your new trampoline. You got home all excited, took it to your backyard, and started assembling the pieces. But as you are putting all the pieces together, you can’t help but get a sinking feeling in your gut. “There is absolutely no way it will fit in my yard.”…