Can You Use A Trampoline In The Winter? [Safety Concerns & Workarounds]

Winter is a fun season for the kids. We all know it. We all experienced it. Snowball fights after a snowy night used to be the highlight of my childhood. But the fondest memory I have of the winter season is jumping on my trampoline with my dad.

I know a lot of the kids these days would rather play their Xbox instead of going out jumping on a trampoline when it gets cold outside. But my kids and I still regularly spend time together on my backyard trampoline. Yes – even during winter.

Can You Use A Trampoline In The Winter?

However, using your trampoline during snow can also bring some safety concerns. Is it safe? What are the risks involved in using a trampoline in the winter? Well, while there certainly are some risks to this, if you take proper precautions, it should not be anything to worry about.

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Here, I will talk about the dos and don’ts of using your trampoline in the winter. As a bonus, I will also leave a couple of tips to take care of your trampoline when it snows.

Can I Leave My Trampoline Out in the Winter?

Can I Leave My Trampoline Out in the Winter?

Typically, most trampolines these days come with a rust-proof frame. This means you do not need to take it apart during winter and can leave it outside. However, that does not mean you can just forget about it. You need to take care of it from time to time.

Leaving a trampoline out in the winter is possible if you plan on using it. But you need to brush off the snow that gathers on the jumping mat regularly. You also need to dry it off from time to time, especially right before you plan on going for a couple of jumps.

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If you are not going to use it, though, I would recommend disassembling it and storing it away. That way, once the winter passes, your trampoline will be as good as new.

Can You Jump on a Snow Covered Trampoline?

Can You Jump on a Snow Covered Trampoline?

If it snowed recently, you would, no doubt, find the trampoline mat covered with leftover snow. In that case, I would strongly advise against jumping on it right away. You need to get rid of the snow and dry out the trampoline mat to make sure it is perfectly safe.

The last thing you would want is to slip on the trampoline mat while landing and break your ankle. Snow may look pretty, but if it’s on your trampoline mat, you need to get rid of it first.

To remove the snow on the trampoline mat, use a broom. Never use a shovel to remove it, as it can damage the trampoline mat. After you get rid of the snow, check and see if the mat is still slippery.

If yes, let it dry out for a few hours under the sun. You can also use a hairdryer gently to speed up the process.

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Will a Trampoline Break in the Cold?

Any high-end round trampoline that you typically find in most backyards will last you a long while without damage. These things are built to last, and a little bit of cold should not have any major effect on them. The frame might get icy, or the mat might get slippery, but that is about the extent of it.

So if you leave a trampoline out in the rain or in the cold, it should not have any lasting impact on it. I would, of course, recommend putting on a weather cover during the winter or the rainy season if you are not planning to use it. But even if you don’t, your trampoline should not break in these conditions.

What Do You Do with a Trampoline During Winter?

What Do You Do with a Trampoline During Winter?

You use it, of course. But that is probably not the answer you are after.

The truth is, that using a trampoline during winter is a bit different than using it in the summer. You need to do frequent maintenance on the trampoline to make sure it is safe for the kids and yourself.

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So, let me give you a quick winter care guide to make sure your trampoline is usable during the winter.

Tip – 1

The frame pads in most trampolines are the part most vulnerable to snow and moisture. Thankfully, it is pretty easy to take them apart and store them inside. So my first tip is to remove them whenever you are done using the trampoline.

Tip – 2

My second tip is to remove the snow as soon as it is safe for you to go outside. Winter weather can get bad pretty fast. So whenever you have time, make sure you go out and clear off the previous snow using a broom. Again, avoid using a shovel as it can damage the jumping mat.

Tip – 3

Using a weather cover can make a lot of difference in your trampoline’s lifespan. Consider investing in one and covering up your trampoline whenever you are done using it for the day. This is a good practice not only for winter but also for summer and rainy seasons.

Tip – 4

You can find trampoline anchors that securely anchor your trampoline to the ground. This is an extremely useful tool to protect your trampoline against strong gusts of wind. I suggest you go out, buy a set, and use it to make sure your trampoline does not get blown away if the wind picks up in the winter.

Tip – 5

Regularly inspect the different parts of the trampoline for damage, especially during winter. A bit of cold should not damage the frame of the trampoline too much. But it is still worth looking out for signs of cracking or denting. This can help you prevent major accidents.

Will Heavy Snow Ruin a Trampoline?

Will Heavy Snow Ruin a Trampoline?

This is a matter that is up for debate. If you live in a region that sees heavy snowfall during the winter seasons, then this might be of some concern to you. There are, in fact, reports of the jumping mat in the trampoline breaking after a heavy snowfall.

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What you need to understand is that snow, as it gathers, can weigh a ton. The jumping mat in your trampoline has a maximum weight capacity, and if the accumulated snow goes over the capacity, it can ruin your trampoline.

The best way to prevent that from happening is to use a weather cover for trampoline and brush off the snow as frequently as possible. And if you are sure that you will not be using the trampoline, just disassemble it and store it away. Once the winter passes, you can set it back up in your garden.

A bit of snow, however, should not damage your trampoline that much. After the snow clears, just make sure you remove the leftover snow from the trampoline mat.

How Do I Keep Snow Off my Trampoline?

Unfortunately, if you keep your trampoline out during winter and it snows, there is no easy way to keep it off your trampoline. Even if you use a snow cover, snow will gather on top of it. So you need to remove it as soon as the weather clears to make sure it does not build up too much.

However, if you are not planning to use it, putting it away is a good option. Another trick that you can use is to move it under a shed during the winter when you are not using it. That way, the snow cannot fall directly on top of it.

How Much Snow Can a Trampoline Hold?

There is no easy way to figure out how much now your trampoline can hold. And there is absolutely no reason to try and find out. My advice is that as soon as you see snow gather on your trampoline, take a broom and brush it off.

There is a limit to how much weight a trampoline can handle. If the weight of the gathered snow exceeds that limit, there is a chance that it will break the trampoline. I can think of no good reason to let snow gather on your trampoline to the extent of breaking it.

The Bottom Line

You should not let a bit of snow in the winter hold you back from enjoying your time on your backyard trampoline. Winter trampoline jumping is a great way to bond with your family and friends. It also warms up your core and helps you get a solid workout. Trampoline is a great way to burn calories, after all.

If you are planning to use your trampoline in the coming winter, this article should clear up a few things for you. As long as you take the proper steps to eliminate risks, jumping on a trampoline during winter is not all that different from using it in other seasons. Cheers!

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