Best 10ft Trampolines

If you’re someone who has never had a trampoline before, you’re likely to go with something small.

Now, 6 ft can be a bit too small if you have two kids. So, the options you have are either 10 ft trampoline or 8 ft. I prefer the former because it’s more future-proof. I still have a 10 ft trampoline in my backyard.

Once you get a 10 ft trampoline, your kids won’t outgrow it for a long time. So, you can keep them engaged in this great cardio + entertainment routine.

The first few trampolines I bought were all 10 ft. So, I have my fair share of experience. And I’m here to give you a hand.

I can help you get your hands on the best 10 ft trampoline. It doesn’t mean you have to take my word. But the factors I outline and the features I highlight can work as a roadmap. So, use it more as a guideline.

Check Best 14ft trampolines

Let me show you what I’m talking about.

Best 10Ft Trampolines

I’ll be honest, when I first thought of making a list of the best 10 feet trampoline, I had only two or three trampolines in my mind. But when I was doing some last-minute research, I noticed just how many good options were out there. In the end, I decided to expand this list to eight trampolines for two reasons.

One – you will get more options which will help you figure out which one suits your needs best. And secondly, I will be able to fit a broader range of trampolines at different price points.

Don’t worry; if you are short on time, you can just shuffle through the details section of each trampoline and get a general idea of what’s what.

1- SereneLife ASTM Approved Trampoline with Net Enclosure

Hold on – with brands like Skywalker or Zupapa out there, why would I give my top soft to a no-name brand like SereneLife? Well, if I were you, I would ask the same thing, but the truth is, this 10 feet trampoline is a true gem, and you won’t know what you are missing until you give it a fair shot.

First off, I really love the weight capacity that this trampoline offers at this price range. Usually, with trampolines at this price point, you get a maximum of 250 to 300 pounds of weight capacity. However, the SereneLife boasts an impressive limit of up to 352 pounds.

What does that mean for you, though? Well, a greater weight capacity means you can let two or three kids jump on it without having to worry about the mat or springs buckling under the weight. Besides, a higher weight capacity also makes the trampoline a lot safer, in my opinion.

Check Best 16ft Trampolines.

One unique thing about this trampoline is the leg design. While most trampolines out there feature W or U shaped legs, the SereneLife trampoline comes with four L-shaped legs. This allows the trampoline to be a lot more stable while jumping as long as you lay it out on flat, solid ground.

Other notable features of this trampoline include a polypropylene jumping mat along with a high-end PE enclosure to keep everyone safely tucked inside the trampoline while jumping. Since it passed the ASTM standards, you should have little to worry about in terms of safety.

SereneLife ASTM Approved Trampoline with Net Enclosure

I also found nothing worth complaining about when I was inspecting the quality of the metal parts. Both the frame and the springs come with a galvanized steel coating to ensure complete protection against rain. There are 64 total springs in the trampoline, which is pretty standard for trampolines of this size.

Assembling the trampoline is also pretty straightforward. I could get mine set up in a little under 3 hours (with help). If you were to assemble it on your own, it might take a bit longer than that.

While all does seem perfect about the trampoline, one thing I was not a fan of was their aftersales service. The trampoline arrived in two separate boxes, and opening them up; I found a couple of screws missing. No biggie, though; I could easily get replacements from the local hardware stores.

The important thing to remember here is that at this price point, the performance that this trampoline offers is pretty difficult to find elsewhere. As a sub-250 dollars trampoline, this can be a fantastic one to go with.

Check best 15ft trampolines

What I Liked

  • Excellent weight capacity – better than average at this price tag
  • Comes at a great price
  • Easy installation and clear guidelines
  • Features improved stability thanks to the L-shaped legs

What I Didn’t Like

  • Packaging issues every now and then
  • Poor aftersales services

2- JUMPZYLLA Trampoline 10FT Trampoline with Enclosure

JUMPZYLLA might not be the most prominent brand out there when it comes to trampolines, but it is definitely one that has a decent bit of following. Unless you have been living under a rock this last few years, there is a good chance that you have at least heard of them before.

Now, if I was going for a large, heavy-duty trampoline, I would not have gone with this brand. But for affordable 10 feet trampolines, the Jumpzylla Trampoline with Enclosure offers an amazing return on your investment. It’s safe, it’s fun, and it is quite easy to set up.

After all, these are the three most important things that most people look for when buying a new trampoline. And when you are shopping for your kids but don’t want to spend too much, this trampoline is the perfect pickup.

With 330 pounds of weight capacity, this is not exactly a powerhouse. But it is still pretty decent considering it is just a 10 feet model designed mostly for kids’ use. So, two or three kids should be perfectly safe jumping on it at the same time. Of course, the Zupapa trampoline offers a better weight capacity, but it also costs about 150 dollars more.

Check Best 20 ft trampoline

There are other great things to talk about with this trampoline also. For instance, the quality of the frame components is excellent. You get galvanized steel in both its frames and its springs which means they will survive for a pretty good while without requiring any replacements,

The jumping mat is made of polypropylene and feels pretty soft and elastic. That combined with the 64 springs powering the trampoline, you will be able to jump as high as you want without things getting too risky. The manufacturers also throw in a high-quality mesh enclosure for some added safety.

Getting it set up the first time is also a piece of cake, thanks to the detailed instruction manual that you get when you open up the boxes. With help, you should be able to get it fully assembled within two or three hours. If you are still struggling with installation, there are plenty of helpful videos out there to show you the ropes.

The trampoline comes in two separate boxes, with everything packed neatly as you would expect. You get a three-step ladder with slip-resistant steps to help your kids climb safely into the trampoline with minimal supervision. It also comes with foam sleeves for all the enclosure poles to prevent any bump injuries.

Check Best 12ft trampolines

All in all, this is a pretty amazing trampoline for the money. If you do not want to shell out more than 300 dollars to get a new trampoline that the kids would mostly use, this is your pick. However, for adults, I would not go with this one as my main trampoline.

What I Liked

  • Minimal installation hassle
  • Comes with a high-quality ladder
  • Foam sleeves for all the enclosure poles

What I Didn’t Like

  • Subpar weight capacity
  • The safety net zipper seems flimsy

3- BCAN Trampoline 10FT

The brand BCAN has always been a shining beacon for trampoline enthusiasts and those who use it for fitness training. I am a huge fan of their rebounders and small trampolines, but I’ll be honest, they have never really been my top pick when it comes to recreational models.

However, I quickly changed my perception when I tried out their 10 feet recreational model. It costs only 10 dollars more than the JUMPYZILLA trampoline that I just talked about but offers you a broader list of features and greater weight capacity.

Check How Big Is A Trampoline Box – All Sizes

Let’s break it down; first off, the weight limit in this trampoline is massive, even better than some of the Zupapa models out there. With its huge capacity of 450 pounds, you could easily throw a trampoline party consisting of kids and adults alike. Not many 10 feet trampolines feature this level of weight capacity.

BCAN Trampoline 10FT

But the fun doesn’t end here either. Safety was a prime concern of the manufacturers when they were designing this trampoline, and you can see that clearly in its sturdy frame and stable leg design. No, it does not have L-shaped legs, unfortunately, but it does feature 4 U-shaped legs for some extra stability.

As for the frame, it is made with 1.5 inches of thickened steel tubes which makes it extremely durable. Even if multiple kids are jumping on the trampoline at the same time, you don’t have to worry about the frame bending or getting damaged in any way.

In addition, the trampoline comes with a polypropylene jumping mat and fiberglass mesh enclosure. So the jumping experience will be superb, to say the least. It comes with 64 springs in total, and all of the springs come with a galvanized coating to make them resistant to rust or moisture damage.

Check Trampoline size guide

The trampoline arrives in one box, which means you do not have to ruffle through multiple boxes to get everything together. Personally, I prefer having two boxes at least, as it means the metal and fabric components are kept separate. But the packing is nice, and mine arrived completely undamaged.

Installation is also pretty easy, and with some help, you should be able to set it up within 3 hours. The manufacturers used a snap-mount system to make assembly as easy as possible. In fact, you do not need to worry about any screws or tools to set this one up.

You do get a three-step ladder with your purchase, but personally, I am not a huge fan of that. I replaced mine as soon as I got it. But if you are sticking close by your kids when they get on the trampoline, it should be pretty safe. Overall, it is a great little trampoline for the money.

What I Liked

  • Durable build quality
  • Impressive weight capacity
  • Suitable for both kids and adults
  • Quick and easy snap-mount installation system

What I Didn’t Like

  • Not a fan of the ladder
  • Everything comes in one box – so there’s a risk of damage

4- Doufit Upgraded 10FT Trampolines

Doufit really stepped up their game when they released a number of upgraded models for their old trampolines. These revision models boast a much better build quality and address many of the safety concerns that people had with the old ones.

When I first heard about the new models, I was naturally skeptical. But eventually, I decided to give it a shot after hearing many good things about them. I decided to go with the 10 feet model as it was pretty affordable at around 220 dollars. And frankly, I was quite surprised with what I ended up with.

Check Best 14ft Trampolines

The upgraded 10 ft trampoline features a more robust build quality and has an impressive weight capacity to go along with it. It can handle up to 375 pounds of body weight as opposed to the 300 pounds capacity of the old models. This means it is a much better bet if you are buying it for two or three kids to use at the same time.

Doufit Upgraded 10FT Trampolines

But weight capacity improvement rarely changes things if the frame strength is the same as before, right? Well, in the upgraded models, Doufit went with 1.4 inches of thickened steel tubes that feature three coats of galvanized anti-rust to make it as sturdy as you can expect.

This also means the trampoline will last longer and will not break down from the extra weight of people jumping on it. The jumping mat feels exactly the same as before, but to be honest, that was pretty good in the first place. So you will find no complaints from me here.

The one thing that I did not love about it is that it comes with only three U-shaped legs. Sure, the trampoline is stable enough, but I would have preferred getting at least four legs. That way, the weight distribution would be better. But then again, it does cost only around 200 bucks, so I get it.

As for the springs, there are only 54 galvanized steel springs here, which does seem a bit disappointing. The jumping height is not as much as what you would get from the BCAN or SereneLife trampoline, but it is safe, and it is fun, especially for the kids.

Assembling the trampoline is also pretty easy. They even give you a pair of gloves and graphical illustrations of how you need to put everything together. A savvy set of hands should be able to set it all up within two to three hours.

The quality of the enclosure net is decent, and the ladder you get with your purchase is also pretty stable. Overall, this is a pretty good deal if you are in the market for an affordable, small trampoline. Sure, there are a few kinks here and there, but nothing you cannot overlook.

What I Liked

  • Impressive weight capacity
  • Strong and durable construction
  • Comes at an affordable price

What I Didn’t Like

  • Comes with only three U-shaped legs
  • Features 54 springs

5- LUKDOF Trampoline 10FT for Kids Adults

If I am being honest, 200 dollars is not that much when you are shopping for a 10 feet trampoline. This price range is what I would say is the affordable range. But to some, shelling out 200 dollars for what is essentially a kid’s toy is not an option, and I get that.

Well, if your kids are still nagging you for it and you want to cave in and get them a small backyard trampoline for next Christmas, I have the perfect one. The LUKDOF 10 feet trampoline costs only around a hundred and fifty bucks and has everything you would want in an affordable trampoline.

But before we go on further, let me say it right now, it will not be on the same level as JUMPYZILLA or BCAN trampolines. However, if you are realistic with your expectations, you will see that it is a pretty decent trampoline that brings your kids hours of fun and excitement in the backyard.

It does claim to support 600 pounds of weight, but frankly, I would not push it that far. I would recommend only allowing the two or three kids to jump on the trampoline at the same time. Letting adults have a go at it might be a bit too much for the frame.

Now don’t let that dissuade you from buying it; the frame is pretty decent, in my opinion. The manufacturers went with engineered galvanized steel frames to make sure you have nothing to complain about in terms of frame strength and durability.

The real highlight of the trampoline is its enclosure net and jumping mat. I love how safe both of these elements feel. The jumping mat is made using reinforced polypropylene which boasts a highly elastic jumping surface. That, combined with 60 high-tension galvanized springs, gives you an excellent bounce when you use it.

The enclosure net comes with a safety clipper and locking zipper to make sure nobody falls out of the trampoline while jumping. All of the enclosure poles come with foam sleeves to make everything as safe as possible for the user.

Installation is not as tricky as I thought when I first opened up the box. It features T-sockets which cuts down the installation time by almost half. But while the assembly is pretty simple, it is a two-man job, so consider getting a second set of hands to help you out while setting it up.

Now for what I don’t like, and to be honest, there is only one element that I would have liked to change here. It only comes with three legs, the same design as the one I talked about in Doufit. This is not a complete dealbreaker, though, as the trampoline is pretty stable once you assemble it.

What I Liked

  • Comes at an amazing price point
  • The jumping mat and enclosure net design is amazing
  • No-gap enclosure system
  • A great choice for the kids

What I Didn’t Like

  • Comes with only three U-shaped legs
  • You need a helping hand while assembling it.

6- Merax 10FT Trampoline

There are mainly two groups of people who go with 10 feet trampolines. Either they have a small backyard and don’t want to commit to a massive trampoline that takes up the entire space. Or they are getting it for the kids to have some fun and get some exercise outdoors.

Well, if space is not a concern and you want it for the kids, then the Merax 10 feet trampoline can be another great option that you can consider. It comes at a pretty attractive price point and ticks all the right boxes in terms of safety, durability, and ease of assembly.

Budget-wise it costs you only 30 or so dollars more than the LUKDOF trampoline that I just talked about. So you will not be burning the bank if you want to get it. Personally, I think this one offers a better experience overall compared to the LUKDOF or YAKEY trampoline.

The trampoline can hold up to 660 pounds at once as long as the weight of a single individual is under 220 pounds. So for kids, this can be a pretty amazing investment as two or three kids can jump around on it at the same time. For adults, though, the weight is not really all that great.

Merax 10FT Trampoline

Then again, this trampoline was designed mainly for the kids, so this should not be a complete dealbreaker. The manufacturers even throw in a basketball hoop with your package that you can set up inside the trampoline to make things even more exciting for the little ones.

As for safety, I really couldn’t find much worth complaining about. The frame feels quite sturdy, thanks to its galvanized steel construction. And the polypropylene jumping mat and UV-resistant mesh enclosure also feel quite long-lasting.

The enclosure features a strong zippered lock that also feels pretty smooth and durable. This trampoline comes with 72 galvanized steel springs as opposed to 64 springs commonly found in most trampolines of this size. As a result, you will get a better bouncing experience when using it.

The trampoline comes in two boxes, and I had no issues with delivery. Once I got my hands on it, I could assemble the entire trampoline in under 3 hours which is pretty decent without help.

There is one downside to this trampoline, though, which is common for affordable 10 feet models. It comes with only three U-shaped legs, which I don’t like personally. But in terms of stability, it is pretty well-balanced, so I couldn’t complain much.

It also comes with a three-step ladder with wider steps to ensure perfect safety for the kids climbing on the trampoline. I think this trampoline is a fantastic investment for any homeowners who want to keep the kids busy and outside during the afternoon.

What I Liked

  • Great value for the price
  • Suitable for up to three kids
  • Safe and reliable design
  • Comes with a wide-step ladder

What I Didn’t Like

  • Features only three legs
  • Not a great choice for adults

7- YAKEY Trampoline 10FT Recreational Trampolines

The YAKEY 10ft Recreational Trampoline is pretty similar to the LUKDOF trampoline that I talked about before. I mean, they cost pretty much the same and also share a lot of similarities when it comes to build quality and features. There are a few slight differences, though, that can weigh in on which one you prefer.

For instance, the color scheme and overall looks of this trampoline are quite a bit different from the LUKDOF model. So if you are choosing your trampoline from an aesthetic perspective, then you should go with whichever looks best to your eyes. Personally, I prefer LUKDOF, but you do you.

Another major difference between the two trampolines is their weight capacity. The YAKEY 10FT can handle up to 440 pounds, which is a lot lower than the 600 pounds weight capacity that LUKDOF boldly claims. Still, if you are getting it for the kids, 440 pounds is not a bad deal at all.

Apart from that, the frame design and construction are pretty similar between the two trampolines. The YAKEY trampoline features a sturdy galvanized steel frame with three W-shaped legs that keeps everything stable once you set it up. The steel feels good and should be pretty resistant to any form of damage.

The polypropylene jumping mat and mesh enclosure are also well-made and feel soft yet firm enough to keep everything safe. It comes with 60 galvanized steel springs to offer an excellent bounce without things getting too scary for the little ones.

I also love the no-gap enclosure design in the spring pad, which is made of PE and PVC foam. The steel poles for the enclosure come with foam sleeves to reduce the chance of injury if you happen to bump into them. It has a pretty secure design overall, and I found no reason to complain about its safety.

The packaging of the trampoline is nice, and while it comes in a single box, everything is packed in a way that minimizes damage during shipping. Once you open it up, you will be able to assemble it quite easily, following along with the instruction manual.

This trampoline comes with a 12-month warranty period to protect your investment. And their customer service is quite responsive. So if you run into any issues, you can contact them for technical support.

What I Liked

  • Safe and simple design
  • Great value for the price
  • No-gap enclosure system
  • Great aftersales service

What I Didn’t Like

  • Lower weight capacity compared to LUKDOF trampoline
  • Finding replacements for the springs can be difficult

8- Zupapa 10FT Kids Trampoline

If you are the type that settles for nothing but the best, regardless of the cost, then I have the perfect trampoline for you. The Zupapa 10Ft Kids Trampoline is a top-tier option for uncompromising people and frankly, it is worth the steep price tag that it asks for, in my humble opinion.

Boasting an impressive weight capacity of up to 375 pounds, this trampoline is not kidding around when it comes to the phrase – “fun for the family.” Though I initially got it for the kids, I don’t mind jumping in with them once in a while and the extra bit of weight capacity that it offers really comes in handy here.

Partly the reason why it offers such an amazing weight limit is the design of the springs. The 10 feet trampoline model comes with 64 5.5-inches of galvanized steel springs. Not only do they offer excellent bounce, they also boast amazing tensile strength and durability.

Personally, I loved the L-shaped leg design of the SereneLife trampoline, and was hoping to find the same with the Zupapa 10 feet. So when I saw that it features your average, W-shaped legs, I was a bit disappointed. But thankfully, the legs are pretty stable and should not be any major cause for concern.

The quality of the jumping mat on the other hand, is miles above the rest of the trampolines on this list. Yes, it is also made out of polypropylene material, but the overall feel and elasticity is better. It’s one of those things that you have to try out on your own to notice the difference.

You do get a decent enclosure net that you can put up around the trampoline for extra security. The netting is firm and features a high-end zipper that you can put up to keep everyone inside while they are jumping. There are a total of six net poles all with foam sleeves to also prevent any injuries.

The overall durability of the trampoline is pretty good. It has nice, firm metal components, and assembly is also pretty straightforward. The metal parts are galvanized which means keeping it outside in the rain should not be a problem.

I also love the quick delivery. It comes neatly packed in two boxes and as a bonus, you get a trampoline rain cover and a good-quality ladder to help the kids climb on to it easier.

The trampoline also boasts an impressive warranty period of up to 10 years for the frame and up to two years for the mat, net and other components. So even if something turns up faulty, you can easily get it replaced.

What I Liked

  • Amazing weight capacity
  • Simple and straightforward installation
  • The jumping mat feels exceptionally well-made
  • Excellent durability

What I Didn’t Like

  • Not very affordable
  • The design is pretty straightforward considering the price

Tips to Identify the Best 10 ft Trampoline

Figuring out which trampoline is the best for you is all about weighing your options. If you were attentive this far, you might have noticed how I focused on a couple of key factors in my reviews. While some people may judge a trampoline by its looks, other things like its weight capacity, safety features, etc., matter more.

Tips to Identify the Best 10 ft Trampoline

So let me give you a quick rundown of the main things you want to look for when you are buying a 10 feet trampoline.

Design and Safety

Let’s start with the obvious; safety and design. Now, trampolines have come a long way since their conception, and to be honest, most manufacturers take safety issues pretty seriously these days. So, you should be pretty safe unless you are going with a completely no-name knock-off trampoline brand.

The thing you want to check first is whether the trampoline has been tested for safety standards. Look for terms like ASTM, GS, TUV, etc., which will let you know that the trampoline has passed safety inspections and should not pose any risk to your kids.

But safety stamps should not be the be all, end all of the discussions here. You also want to take a good look at all the components of the trampoline, including its frame and enclosure.

The jumping mat, enclosure net, and spring pad should be UV-resistant, and the frames and springs should be made from galvanized steel. That way, the components will survive for longer and will not break down without warning.

Don’t Forget the Weight

You can think of the weight capacity of a trampoline as an extension of its safety features, but frankly, it deserves a bit more elaborate explanation because of just how important it is. And sadly, I see many of my friends forgetting to consider it when they are buying a new trampoline.

Weight capacity dictates two things; how many people can jump on the trampoline and how soon your kids will outgrow it. Most of the 10 feet trampolines on the market have a weight limit ranging from 330 to upwards of 400 pounds.

With a greater weight limit, more kids can jump on it at the same time. And as your kids grow older, you will not have to consider replacing the trampoline if it can accommodate their growing weight. Long story short, don’t forget to check the weight capacity of the trampoline.

The Price has to be Right

Unless you are sitting on a pile of money just waiting to give it all away, the price of the trampoline will play a key role in your decision. But before you settle on an affordable trampoline, you need to understand how much a typical 10 feet trampoline costs.

Thankfully, a 10 feet trampoline will rarely cost as much as a 15 or 16 feet model, but it is still pricey. The affordable tier ranges from 200 to 250 dollars, in my opinion, but trampolines from top brands like ZUPAPA or ORCC can cost as much as 500 dollars.

The price can also differ based on the trampoline accessories that you are getting in the bundle. For instance, some trampolines come with a built-in basketball hoop, and naturally, it will cost slightly more than the one that comes without it.

Related Questions

Buying a new trampoline can be intimidating. I remember when I was buying my first one, I had so many burning questions in my mind. So let me try and make things easier by answering some of the common questions that people often ask me about 10 feet trampolines.

If you need more info, my blog is teeming with resources for you to shuffle through.

What Age is a 10ft Trampoline For?

While I have seen many adults enjoying their time on a 10 feet trampoline, I believe the size is mostly for kids between 10 to 15 years old. Sure, adults can jump on it if the weight capacity is decent, but the jumping space is really not much with a 10 feet trampoline. My advice; keep it for the kids.

How Much Space Do I Need for a 10FT Trampoline?

A 10 feet trampoline does not take up too much space, making it a great choice for homeowners with a tight backyard. For a 10 feet trampoline, you only need around 13 feet of free space.

However, if you decide to use the trampoline without a safety net (which I strongly advise against), then you should make sure there are at least 25 to 26.5 feet of free space in your backyard. Otherwise, it might not be safe for the kids.

Parting Wisdom

10 ft trampolines are the perfect middle-ground for you if you’re new to trampolines. It’s not super big to make you feel uncomfortable. Plus, it’s not so small that only one person can get up and have fun.

Again, 10 ft trampolines are great if you have two kids or more. While it can accommodate three kids, I wouldn’t recommend it. Go for a top-shelf 12 ft trampoline instead.

Anyways, let me finish this up by giving you two more parting suggestions. If I had to choose, I’d say the title of the best 10 ft trampoline goes to both SereneLife & JUMPYZILLA. I know I only get to choose one, but I couldn’t.

Both trampolines come at an excellent price point + they have great features. SereneLife has the upperhand when it comes to weight capacity. On the other hand, JUMPYZILLA offers incredible customer service. So, you get to decide what matters more to you.

With that said, now you know everything you should to get your hands on an incredible 10 ft trampoline. So, don’t let the decision anxiety get to you. Go get that trampoline and have fun. Cheers!

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